Come and Praise our God for He has done marvelous things
Who Are We?
We are a young congregation that began meeting with three families in 1997 and are now comprised of about twenty households. Our goal as a congregation, is to find our joy in God by living beautiful, joyful lives for His honour and glory. We believe this is our highest purpose. We can only live this way through Christ's redemption and the Spirit's working in us. The Christian's joy comes both from living a redeemed life, and witnessing the atoning work of Jesus Christ our savior, and the work of the Holy Spirit. We love to see more people hear about the work that God has done. What Does Presbyterian and Reformed Mean? Our church is Presbyterian in government, meaning we have elders who shepherd and care for the congregation. We are Reformed in doctrine, meaning we hold to a Augustinian and Calvinistic view of scripture and salvation. We confess the historic Christian faith as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith, and hold the three ecumenical creeds (the Apostles’, Athanasian, and Nicean) as the boundaries of Christian fellowship. While enthusiastically holding and loving our standards, we do not think that we have attained the perfection of godliness or doctrine, and hold the reformation motto of always reforming. We are not quick to adopt new ideas, the newer the slower we are, but judge everything against our current understanding, church history, and its scriptural foundation. What Do We Believe? We believe that there is one Triune Creator-God. We believe that Man rebelled against God, and is guilty before Him. We believe that God took the penalty for our rebellion upon Himself in His second person and that all who believe in Him are freed from all guilt and will be raised at the last day to everlasting perfection to dwell physically, enjoying all the good gifts of creation as they were designed to be used. How Should I Dress? Our clothing style ranges from semi-formal to informal. There are coats and ties as well as tee-shirts and shorts. What matters most is that our hearts are ready to come before our mighty God. |
Sunday Morning
Our worship service is simple and unembellished. We seek to worship God according to the scripture, not by man's inventions and good intentions. A central part of this worship is the presentation of the inerrant word of God in both the clear reading and preaching of the Bible along with the celebration of the sacraments. In the mornings our pastor works his way through the Bible a book at a time, and in the afternoon he often preaches topically. Our songs come from God's own hymn book: the psalms in the Bible. We believe God has provided us with these songs to sing and that using anything else is disrespectful to him. For a more detailed explanation of why we only sing the Psalms, please see our page Why Sing the Psalms? We pray to God the Father as loved children knowing that he, as our good father, delights to hear us come to him. He, in his infinite mercy, stoops down to hear our tiny voices with loving concern and acts on our behalf. Communion We celebrate the Lord's Supper near the end of every morning service. We believe it is best understood as a Eucharistic feast: a feast of thanksgiving and joy. In it, we thank God for what he has done for us in sending Christ to redeem us. Even more importantly, in the supper we feed on Christ himself. Though the bread and wine remain bread and wine, we believe that as we eat and drink in faith we are filled with Christ. Childcare God has called us together to worship as a corporate entity and this includes our little ones. We welcome them into worship from birth. This will sometimes lead to various noises and rustlings in worship. That said, there is a room in the back where parents can take their young children and teach them how to sit through a worship service. The service can be seen and heard from there. A staffed nursery is also provided in the church basement for any who need it. |
Covenant Reformed
Presbyterian Church Email:
[email protected] Administration address:
[email protected] |