I will make Your name to be remembered in all generations; therefore the people shall praise You forever and ever. (Psalm 45:17)
What do we teach?
We teach the Bible as the holy, inspired, infallible word of God. We hold the ecumenical creeds and the Westminster Confession of Faith as our formulas of doctrine. In short, this means that we believe and preach that God works everything according to his own will, that He can never be fully and exhaustively known by men but that He can be truly known through His revelation of Himself. We also believe that He is perfectly holy, wise, gracious, just, merciful, long suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth. He is also the judge of the earth, and will judge the world at the last day in perfect righteousness; all the justified will be received on the merit of Christ's atoning sacrifice, while the wicked, who freely rejected God's gracious salvation, will be cast into utter torments forever. We also believe that Jesus is the son of God, fully God and yet fully man. We also teach that the Holy Spirit works in believers, making them more holy, and bearing witness with their spirits that they are the children of God.
Why do we teach?
At creation God made the world perfect. There was a beautiful garden, full of lovely plants and friendly animals. There was no lying, no cheating, no theft, no death, no suffering, no sickness, no oppression, no rebellion, no evil. It was paradise. In that blessed state God gave mankind one simple test.
He commanded them not to eat of the fruit of one of the trees in the garden. If they ate of it, God warned, they would die. Satan came and tempted our parents, telling them that God was wrong. They would not die if they ate of the tree, on the contrary they would be the masters of their destiny. They would decide right and wrong. They would be just like God.
This was all a lie. All the pain, suffering, death, sickness, frailty, oppression, and vice in the world came because our parents rejected God and ate the forbidden fruit. Not only did all this evil enter the world, our nature was changed so that we resist the knowledge of God. Now all men, Christians or not, when left to themselves will hurt and abuse the whole creation. What makes real Christians different is the Spirit of God working in us, making us hate evil more and more and grow in loving all that is good and beautiful.
Join us in restoring the beauty of the world as God created it.
We teach the Bible as the holy, inspired, infallible word of God. We hold the ecumenical creeds and the Westminster Confession of Faith as our formulas of doctrine. In short, this means that we believe and preach that God works everything according to his own will, that He can never be fully and exhaustively known by men but that He can be truly known through His revelation of Himself. We also believe that He is perfectly holy, wise, gracious, just, merciful, long suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth. He is also the judge of the earth, and will judge the world at the last day in perfect righteousness; all the justified will be received on the merit of Christ's atoning sacrifice, while the wicked, who freely rejected God's gracious salvation, will be cast into utter torments forever. We also believe that Jesus is the son of God, fully God and yet fully man. We also teach that the Holy Spirit works in believers, making them more holy, and bearing witness with their spirits that they are the children of God.
Why do we teach?
At creation God made the world perfect. There was a beautiful garden, full of lovely plants and friendly animals. There was no lying, no cheating, no theft, no death, no suffering, no sickness, no oppression, no rebellion, no evil. It was paradise. In that blessed state God gave mankind one simple test.
He commanded them not to eat of the fruit of one of the trees in the garden. If they ate of it, God warned, they would die. Satan came and tempted our parents, telling them that God was wrong. They would not die if they ate of the tree, on the contrary they would be the masters of their destiny. They would decide right and wrong. They would be just like God.
This was all a lie. All the pain, suffering, death, sickness, frailty, oppression, and vice in the world came because our parents rejected God and ate the forbidden fruit. Not only did all this evil enter the world, our nature was changed so that we resist the knowledge of God. Now all men, Christians or not, when left to themselves will hurt and abuse the whole creation. What makes real Christians different is the Spirit of God working in us, making us hate evil more and more and grow in loving all that is good and beautiful.
Join us in restoring the beauty of the world as God created it.