Associate Reformed Synod at Greencastle, May 31st, 1799.
The synod having judicially ratified the Westminster Confession of Faith, and Catechisms Larger and Shorter, with a modification of the doctrine concerning the power of the civil magistrate in matters of religion; and having also ratified the overture for the Government and Discipline of the Church, and the Directories for Worship, Public and Private, Do hereby declare, That they consider the said Confession of faith, Larger and shorter Catechisms, form of Church government, and Directories for Worship, as their fixed testimony, by which their principles are to be tried; or as the Judicial expression of the sense in which they understand the Holy scriptures in their relation to the Doctrine, Government and Worship of the Christian Church: and it is their resolution to emit occasional testimonies, in particular acts, against errors and delusions. agreeably hereunto, the terms on which any person or persons shall be admitted as a member or members of this church, are,—a profession of faith in the Holy scriptures of the old and new Testaments, as the perfect and only rule of faith and practice: together with an approbation of the Confession of faith, Larger and shorter Catechisms, form of Church government, and Directories for Worship, as therein received; a holy life and conversation, and subjection to the order and Discipline of the Church. They moreover declare the aforesaid Confession of faith, Larger and shorter Catechisms, form of Church government, and Directories for Public and Private Worship, to be the Constitution and standards of the associate reformed Church, in all matters relating to Doctrine, Government, Discipline, and Worship:—Provided that nothing in this declaration shall be construed to extend to the appendices thereunto annexed, so as to comprise the same within the terms of communion. Of all which the Judicatories and members of the Church are required to take notice, that they may govern themselves accordingly. The Westminster Confession of faith, with the Catechisms Larger and shorter, having been formerly received by this synod, with a reservation for future discussion of the doc- trine respecting the power of the civil magistrate in matters of religion; and the said doctrine being now modified in a manner more agreeable to the word of God, to the nature of the Christian Church, and to the principles of civil society, the Synod do explicitly receive the aforesaid Confession and Catechisms, with the doctrine concerning the civil magistrate, as now stated in the twentieth, twenty-third, and thirty-first chapters of the Confession, as the system of doctrine which is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner-stone. and the synod do hereby declare, that the aforesaid Confession and Catechisms, as herein received, contain the true and genuine doctrine of the Associate Reformed Church; and that no tenet contrary thereto, or to any part thereof, shall be countenanced in this church. By order of synod. JOHN RIDDLE, Moderator, EBENEZER DiCKEY, Clerk pro tem. |
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